Russ Belville "won" a spot on the dial because, about three years back, more or less, there was a "Next Great Progressive Talk Star" competition (you heard it on KPOJ). Russ won, with high praise from Ed Schultz.
He won a year's production and support and then he was on his own, but after that he had a cracking good show. He's an interesting bird, Russ: NORML activist, unapologetic liberal, and had a very enjoyable program. It was broadcast on Sundays in the morning, admittedly, not the best time to gain an audience.
If any of you thought that all you had to do was talk hard and have an opinion to have a future in the radio biz, I guess this is your proof that the stars also had to align for you.
Russ is going to be returning to his roots in pro-cannabis activism (a passion I don't share but I liked the way he challenged me to think deeply about it).
We wish him well. We'll be missing his show.

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